From PhD to Head of the Biological Group, Contipro (CZE)

With Kristina Nesporova, PhD 

Kristina Nešporová, Ph.D., was born in Brno and completed her studies in Molecular Biology and Genetics at Masaryk University. After earning her master's degree in 2019, she spent several months in Ireland before returning to the Czech Republic. She began her career at Contipro, a company in the Orlické Mountains, starting as an R&D Assistant and eventually becoming the Head of the Biological Group, leading a team of 40 professionals.

While working at Contipro, Kristina pursued her Ph.D. in Animal Physiology at MU, defending it in 2016. Her role involves planning research projects, learning new concepts, and sharing knowledge, all without the pressure of securing grants. Working in a private company, she presents results to clients, participates in PR activities, and adapts to strategic management decisions that may shift research priorities. Although her current position limits her lab time, Kristina remains involved in managing scientific activities, seeking new research areas, and exploring collaborations.

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