
The PhD program in Biomedical Sciences requires that all PhD students have a financial support of at least 25 000 CZK per month during the standard length of the studies (8 semesters). The Faculty of Medicine, MU provides a scholarship program for support of doctoral students, but importantly, different rules apply when assigning a scholarship to student depending on whether the student is enrolled in the Czech or English PhD program.

From 1st September 2023, the Czech PhD program provides a monthly scholarship of 15 000 CZK during the standard length of studies to all student enrolled in the program. The supervisor is then responsible to provide the rest of the finances in order to reach the required amount of 25 000 CZK per month.

From 1st September 2023, the English program provides a monthly scholarship of 15 000 CZK, but unlike the Czech program the scholarship is limited to 10 PhD students per academic year for all English PhD programs at the Faculty of Medicine. If the number of applicants for the scholarship exceeds over the limit of 10 applicants in the academic year, the selection committee will individually evaluate each applicant. In case the scholarship is not assigned to a PhD student, the supervisor is fully responsible to cover the monthly financial support of 25 000 CZK.

If the PhD studies advance well, it is recommended to progressively increase the monthly income. An example of the minimal financial support during the PhD studies: 25 000 CZK for 1st year students, 26 000 CZK for 2nd year students, 27 000 CZK for 3rd year students and 28 000 CZK for 4th year students. These are suggested minimal PhD salaries; the program encourages the supervisors to reward their PhD students accordingly to their work and outcomes.

Funding options for students enrolled in the Czech program

Scholarship program for support of doctoral students


Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University


The Faculty of Medicine, MU provides a monthly scholarship to all PhD students enrolled in the Czech study program.


15 000 CZK/month during the standard length of study (4 years)

How to apply

No need for an application – the scholarship is assigned to a PhD student automatically when the study begins

Accomodation grant


Masaryk University


Masaryk University students enrolled in a full-time PhD program may be rewarded an accommodation grant. They must be enrolled in their first doctoral studies and cannot have a permanent residence in Brno.


The amount varies depending on the amount of the subsidy provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and the number of applicants

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

Brno PhD Talent


Southmoravian center for international mobility (JCMM)


JCMM offers Brno PhD Talent Award to students enrolled in the first year in a doctoral program. Students must be under the age of 32 years at the time of registration and must study technical or natural sciences.


330 000 CZK

The payment of the scholarship if made in three installments. It is paid annually =  3 x 110 000 CZK.

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

Scholarship for foreign university students


Southmoravian center for international mobility (JCMM)


JCMM offers scholarship for foreign students from non-EU countries who can speak Czech and enrolled in the Czech study program in the scientific and technical area.


7 000 CZK/month during the first year

6 000 CZK/month for the rest of the study during the standard length of study (4 years); the scholarship is not paid during holidays (july, august)

How to apply

More information are available here.

Doctorandus in Life Sciences Award


Česká hlava


The prize is awarded for an innovating approach, the most significat work, progessional or scientific activity of a doctoral student especially in Math, Phsysics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine.


50 000 CZK

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

Werner von Siemens Award


Siemens, s.r.o.


The competition rewards the authors of the best student and scientific works in the technical disciplines and natural sciences (including medical disciplines). The prize is awarded in several disciplines such as “the most important discovery of basic research” or “the best dissertation thesis”.


300 000 CZK - “The most important discovery of basic research”

50 000 CZK student + 50 000 CZK supervisor – 1st price “the best dissertation thesis”

30 000 CZK student + 30 000 CZK supervisor – 2nd price “the best dissertation thesis”

20 000 CZK student + 20 000 CZK supervisor – 3th price “the best dissertation thesis”

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

Funding options for students enrolled in the English program

Scholarship program for support of doctoral studies


Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University


The Faculty of Medicine, MU provides a monthly scholarship to PhD students enrolled in the foreign study program. The number of scholarships is limited to 10 international PhD students per academic year for all English PhD programs at the Faculty of Medicine. If the number of applicants for the scholarship exceeds the limit, the selection committee will individually evaluate each applicant.


15 000 CZK/month during the standard length of study (4 years)

How to apply

No need for an application – the scholarship is assigned to a PhD student automatically when the study begins

Accomodation grant


Masaryk University


Masaryk University students enrolled in a full-time PhD program may be rewarded an accommodation grant. They must be enrolled in their first doctoral studies and cannot have a permanent residence in Brno.


The amount varies depending on the amount of the subsidy provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and the number of applicants

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

Brno PhD Talent


Southmoravian center for international mobility (JCMM)


JCMM offers Brno PhD Talent Award to students enrolled in the first year in a doctoral program. Students must be under the age of 32 years at the time of registration and must study technical or natural sciences.


330 000 CZK

The payment of the scholarship if made in three installments. It is paid annually =  3 x 110 000 CZK.

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

Scholarship for foreign university students


Southmoravian center for international mobility (JCMM)


JCMM offers scholarship for foreign students from non-EU countries who can speak Czech and enrolled in the Czech study program in the scientific and technical area.


7 000 CZK/month during the first year

6 000 CZK/month for the rest of the study during the standard length of study (4 years); the scholarship is not paid during holidays (july, august)

How to apply

More information are available here.

Werner von Siemens Award


Siemens, s.r.o.


The competition rewards the authors of the best student and scientific works in the technical disciplines and natural sciences (including medical disciplines). The prize is awarded in several disciplines such as “the most important discovery of basic research” or “the best dissertation thesis”.


300 000 CZK - “The most important discovery of basic research”

50 000 CZK student + 50 000 CZK supervisor – 1st price “the best dissertation thesis”

30 000 CZK student + 30 000 CZK supervisor – 2nd price “the best dissertation thesis”

20 000 CZK student + 20 000 CZK supervisor – 3th price “the best dissertation thesis”

How to apply

Detailed information are available here.

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