From PhD to Senior Scientist, ISAR Bioscience (DEU)
With Lilia Espada, PhD
Lilia Espada studied biology at the University of Lisbon. She then did her PhD in Biomedicine at the University of Barcelona where she developed projects in the area of cell signalling and regulation of apoptosis in neuronal cells. After several publications and successful completion of her dissertation she joined a project within the Harvard Medical School-Portugal program, as post-doctoral researcher. The project, with a focus on intracellular trafficking in the context of disease, was done mostly at CEDOC/NOVA Medical School in Lisbon and included a period as visiting researcher at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston. After working in Portugal, Spain and the USA, she moved to Germany where she joined the Leibniz Institute on Aging/FLI in Jena, researching on the effects of late-life metformin administration on survival and lifespan. Both her projects as postdoctoral researcher resulted in high impact journals publications.
Lilia Espada joined ISAR Bioscience in 2021 and is since 2023 co-director of the stem cell platform with a special focus on differentiation and modelling of hiPSCs-derived macrophages.