"From PhD to Scientific Advisor in Industry"
This seminar will focus on how you can engage with research and clinical trials as a scientific advisor in a well established company.
Marek Šťastný finished his studies of Immunology at Faculty of Natural Faculty, Charles University in 1994. He has chosen this field as it seems to him that the immune system can be called our „6th sense“ – as it can recognize what can´t be seen, felt, touched, tasted and heard. He was supported in this idea by his leader of research activities, prof. Blanka Říhová, DrSc. He defended Ph.D. under her leadership in 1998 and worked at Institute of Microbiology in the field of antibody-targeted anticancer therapy and also mechanisms to block or overcome multidrug resistance in cancer. In 2007 he started to work as a Medical Advisor for Oncology in Medical department of Bristol-Myers Squibb. He joined the company because promising immuno-oncology drugs has been tested at early phases of clinical trials. Since 2013 he works as a Senior Scientific Advisor for Immuno-Oncology and he contributed to the entry of these drugs into the routine clinical practice in the Czech Republic. He was working in the field of CML, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Melanoma, Renal cell Cancer, head and Neck cancer and Lung Cancer. Currently, he is also responsible for Business Development & Molecule Scouting in the Czech Rep. Marek is interested in sport, he played basketball for 35 years, but now he is playing only tennis and golf and skiing in the winter. During the last 2 years, he was actively disseminating knowledge related to new SARS-CoV-2 virus, immunopathology of COVID-19 and vaccines against this virus. He also wrote book „Jak se dělá imunita“ (How the immunity works) in 2021 together with prof. Blanka Říhová, which was devoted to wide public. His motto is „The immunity and science will (probably) win“.
When: 27th April 2022, 17h00
Where: Room C03/117 or Online
Registration is necessary.