Application process

The next admission round will be open from 01.12.2024 until 28.02.2025.

Successful applicants will be enrolled in the study from the autumn semester 2025.

The following Ph.D. topics are offered:

Cell and Tissue Morphology

Research topics at the Department of Anatomy or Department of Histology and Embryology: 

Assoc. Prof. Jan Krivanek - Cellular basis of dental healing

Assoc. Prof. Jan Krivanek - Novel roles of innervation and vasculature in tooth regeneration

Dr. Dasa Bohaciakova - Using stem cell-based models to study Glioblastoma

Assoc. Prof. Hampl - Bridging Tissue Engineering and Clinical Practice

Molecular Medicine

Research topics at the research institute CEITEC MU.

Research topics for PhD

Application step by step

1. Select one of the offered dissertation topics

Select one of the offered dissertation topics according to your interest and previous experiences and contact the supervisor for more details.

2. Submit the application (the applications deadline is 28th February 2025)

After you have contacted the supervisor, you can apply.

Applications are submitted online here. You will need to chose the programme Biomedical Sciences and specialization (depending on which laboratory or supervisor you would like to go to) and create a new application. If in doubt, please contact the PhD program coordinator on the e-mail address

Once the application is completed, an admission fee must be paid. The current fee is 600 CZK.

The following attachments are mandatory parts of the application - upload them to the e-application form. The documents must be submitted in PDF format, in the English language.

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Letter of interest / Motivation letter - (on a specified form which can be downloaded in e-application or here)

  • Copies of diplomas (BSc., MSc.) and diploma supplements/transcripts of records (if you have not finished your Master education yet, you can submit just the relevant transcripts of records)

  • References - we require two references, one of them must be from the Master thesis supervisor/advisor.

  • English language certificate – optional, not compulsory

3. Round 1 of admission process: Application review

Round 1 of the admission process is based on your application and background information. Only complete applications will be accepted and reviewed. The threshold to pass Round 1 is 40 (out of 50) points.

Should you be selected for the Round 2, you will be sent information about the date and place of the admission interview.

The application review will be done soon after e-application deadline.

4. Round 2 of admission process: Interview (with a committee)

For candidates living abroad, personal attendance is not necessary - you can opt for participation in form of a Skype conference. The interview (in English) will cover the following topics:

  • the field of study and summary of your Master thesis
  • dissertation thesis topic
  • career plans
  • motivation to do research and why at Masaryk University
  • other related activites

All interviewed candidates are evaluated and receive points. The total points for the Interview are 50. In order to successfully pass, it is necessary to get at least 85 points - this means in total from both rounds. However, passing this threshold does not guarantee admittance - as the number of positions is limited, only candidates with the highest number of points will get the position.

The interviews with selected applicants will be done by March 2025.

5. Final review

After the interviews, all candidates are evaluated by admission committee, composed of members of interview committees, supervisors, head of the PhD programme and representatives of the Faculty.

Successful candidates will need to prove the completion of Master degree.

6. Success = Enrollment to study

Czech and Slovak candidates receive the enrollment invitation soon after interviews (within a couple of weeks) and should follow the instructions (the enrollment takes place at specified dates at the beginning of the first semester of study). Enrollment of international students is solved individually, as it is subject to a Certificate of the Recognition of International Education in the Czech Republic and in many cases also Visa application.

The studies generally commence with the start of semesters. The courses in autumn semester start in mid-September. The courses in Spring semester start in February or March.

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