Lumír Krejčí Group: Laboratory of Recombination and DNA Repair (LORD)

2024 MUNI Scientist Award: Lumir Krejci and Michaela Pospíšilová awarded for the article published in Nature Communications: Recognition and coacervation of G-quadruplexes by a multifunctional disordered region in RECQ4 helicase

2024 Lumir Krejci was elected EMBO member

2022 MUNI Scientis Award for significant research results in the period 2021-2022

2021 MUNI Scientis Award for the publication RAD51-dependent recruitment of TERRA lncRNA to telomeres through R-loops in Nature magazine

2020 GA CR Presidium Award of the Intrinsic properties of RAD51 filament and its biological regulations project solved at LF MU

2019 Prize of the Minister of Health for project Development of novel small molecules anticancer compounds with synthetic lethal effect Ministry of Health of the CR / Ministry of Health Research Programme, 15-33999A, Lumir Krejci Co-PI

2019 Nikola Svobodová received the Česká hlavička“ award in the category of Life and Human Health

2018-2022 Welcome International Science Fellowship

2018 Rector's Award for Long-term Excellence in Research: Natural sciences and medicine

2017 Prize of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic for outstanding results in research in the field of natural sciences

2016 Karina Movsesjan received the Česká hlavička“ award in the category of Life and Human Health

2015 Barbora Čechová received the Česká hlavička“ award in the category of Life and Human Health

2011 Hana Sedláčková received the Česká hlavička“ award in the category of Man and the World Around Him

2005-2008 Ministry of Education Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic Award

2005-2010 Welcome International Science Fellowship

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